About Us


In order to meet the objectives of the Scouts New Zealand training programme the Summer Camp programme aims to give every Scout, Cub and leader the opportunity to develop their SPICES* through adventurous activities.

The participants are also provided with the opportunity and are encouraged to progress through the Scouts NZ Award Scheme.

For most Cubs and Scouts the prospect of spending a week under canvas, sharing in the preparation of their own meals and in a wide range of outdoor activities with their friends is a great adventure that will never be forgotten.  It is often the culmination of a year’s weekly meetings when the skills learnt theoretically during the previous twelve months are put into practice.

Summer Camp can be a unique opportunity for Leaders as it provides practical training and a chance to get to know and understand more closely the Scouts in their care. Baden-Powell said of his vision of a week long summer camp:

‘The camp is what the youth look forward to and is the Leader’s great opportunity’.

The concept is particularly aimed at assisting those Groups who would normally not be able to provide a 5 or 6 day camping experience for their members, either because of insufficient Leaders, or because the Leaders consider themselves inexperienced in the skills of camping.  In other words the Camp aims to assist Leaders to give the youth a Summer Camp.